Blackguards 2 elementarist turban
Blackguards 2 elementarist turban

The young cambion tanar ri soon used his powers to great effect. Inz was born of a human mother, the necromancer lggwilv, and a great tanar ri lord, Graz zt, ruler of several Abyssal planes. That was just the beghming, but then Iuz was no ordinq bandit s son. One of these minor despots died in that year and his son, Iuz, took control of a few hundred chaotic, vicious bandits. Spawn of Evil As of 479 CY, what would become known as the Land of luz was only a collection of petty fiefs, with chiefs of minor bandit warbands and clans fighting each other for control of small swathes of barren land. Finally, luz s relations with the rest of the Flanaess and the Powers of Oerth are described. It also includes the lowdown on his goals, ulti mate objectives, fears, and those who ally with an( oppose him. Only the bravest and best can hove to face them now at the heht of their power.Ĥ his chapter gives a resume of the history of Iuz lands and B bmad overview of how his empire no\ stands. The servants of a terrible darkness are waiting. Fidy, the MonsnaLs Compendium: Outer P b Appendis is an important reference for details of the fiends which colldort with the Old One. The Monshous Commdiumm: is likewise vital for campaign play in Freyhawk. Possession of the soyroebook The Marklands is strongly recommended if you wish to use the Vesve Forest and the border with Furyon$y in campaigning.

blackguards 2 elementarist turban blackguards 2 elementarist turban

To use IUS the M, you will need the standard ADSP rulebooks ( PWs Handbook, MasterTN Guide, Monstnnm Compmdiums I and IO, and From the Ashes, the world guide to the whole Flanaess. These lands will reward heroic adventurers over a long career.

blackguards 2 elementarist turban

This sourcebook will provide any Dungeon Master with a string of campaign ideas for characters of any level of experience. What more co+d any adventurer wish? The lands of luz have all of th* and more. of Iuz's lands border watch in the fair land of Furyondy de 'perate strugsres for,sunri th$ Rift Canyon spine-ohil th4 resources and plans of the Old One. NreS can very greatly: guerilla warfare on the outskirts. Striking against him now is imperative, before the strength of the fiendish f.r'.'.:':' # demigod waxes great again., The Dungeon Master using this sourcebook will find a wealth of material, enabling him to use this campaign. not yet lost, for luz struggles to maintain control over his vast empire and even his countless armies have suffered grievous lasses in the Greyhawk Wars. in all the Flanaess than those of the Lands of Iuz. Servants of good, prepare your weapons and ready your spells, for there are no challenges greater r: '.'.'. These are lands of ineffable evil, a beacon for adventurers seeking glory within their perilous borders. ~ This sourcebook details the many lands Iw controls his dark priests and their magic Iuz's fiendish dies from the Abyss his marauding humanoid armies and raiders and muoh, much more. He has added mu+ to his holdings, but he is not yet content. None of the lands 5f pod and hope are stre enough to threaten him. Since the signing df the Pact of Greyhawk, his emgire of tyranny and suffering is secure - at least for a time. : rom his hideous throne in the wretched gloom of Dorakaa, luz the Old, Lord of Pain, stretches his bony hand across the Flanaess. Prioted in the USA 9399 ISBN xyX1501ģ I : '. h y repduction or other vnauthorired m of the mafeflal or mwr!s -wed hereln is pmhibited withovf th* exweas vriffen consent of TSR, Inc. Armies of Iuz Villains and Heroe- Thls mared b p m d vnder the eemrlght lam ofthe United State of America. The Land of Tenh Adventures in the Empire.

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History of the Lands The Priesthood of Iuz Land of Iuz The Homed Lands. All TSR chn-m and the dbtinclive likenesses thereof zre trademarks m e d by TSR, Inc. DUNOEON MASTER, DM, MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM, and the TSR log0 are mdermrlv mvned by TSR, 1 C. and GREKIL&WKare rered rrad-ka avned by TSR, 1 C. Diavlbuted fo the toy d hobby vade by Rgional dlsvlbutors. Dlslrlbbuted fo the book and bobby rmde in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. United Kingdom Random H ow and iu affiliate compmies have worldwide distriburion rghs m the baok uade for Er&h lanbug. POB Church End, Cherry Hinton Lake Geneva Cambridge CB13LB WI USA. 2 c Iuz the Evil by Carl Sargent Table of Contents Cover Art: Jeff Easley Interior Art: Eric Hotz Cartography: John Knecht If.pography: Angelika Lokotz TSR, Inc.

Blackguards 2 elementarist turban